woensdag 16 januari 2019

After collapse: Traverse

After traverse, the altered image seems to be alienated. In fact I feel alienated as well. What kind of image is this? Is it as Burka-like as we think we see? 

Watch yourself:

I'm an Alien

woensdag 9 januari 2019

New images for an altering world

New images for an altering world

With these Images I'd like to connect to the project 'Winterslaap', which I started at the Artez Academy, Zwolle, a few months ago. 
Title of the Image which is shown below: After-Collapse, Traverse, Januari 2019

Word vervolgd, Francisca te Brake, Deventer

zaterdag 5 januari 2019

Images for a changing world

The mixed media images are small artworks in which I use archetypal images as images that are representing layers of the collective unconscious. It's from these depths that we are inspired and influenced through mankind.

I started another project inspired on the idea of reconnecting, bleuprint and grid. That's why  I used a grid and the color bleu already in 'Meeting up again'. 

Word vervolgd
F. la Braque

2019, Meeting up again, images for a changing world

The mixed media images are small artworks in which I use archetypal images as images that are representing layers of the collective unconscious. It's from these depths that we are inspired and influenced through mankind. 

Francis, www.pact23.com